Threat Levels

 Red – Highest Threat

Yellow – Credible Threat

Amber – Potential Threat

Green – Minimal Threat

Current Threat Level – Yellow – 07/04/2023

The Threat Level remains at Yellow. Credible and Potential threats include, but are not limited to: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Terrorism, Physical & Cyber attacks on Power grid, EMP attack, Solar flares, Cyber attacks on Financial institutions, Financial collapse, Possible attacks from North Korea, Iran, China or Russia, Major earthquakes from Yellowstone or Cascadia, Volcanic eruptions from Yellowstone or the Cascades, Radiation leaks from Fukushima.

** All Militia members shall be ready to mobilize within two hours notice. All of your gear shall be kept in a ready state. All magazines shall be fully loaded and your battle rifle shall be sighted in at all times.

SHTF – Comms

All radios and chargers should be kept in a Faraday cage. Along with all other essential electronics.

If at all possible Radio Channel (available to Members) will be monitored.

Monitoring times will be 10-15 minutes in length starting at the top of the hours listed below.

Times: Will be available to members.

When calling in please use your handle and unit #. Unrecognized callers may be ignored. Unless absolutely necessary please refrain from using actual names and locations that could be identified by unintended ears. Instead use handles and predesignated rally point identifiers.